
Tattoo Guide

To get started with your tattoos you will need to talk with Tattoo NPC, you can find her on Act 7.
How to teleport?

How to get Tattoos?

After talking with her, you will see some options, the first option is Tattoo Designs where you can craft different tattoo patterns:
Bear, Snake, Lion, Eagle and Shadow.
To craft those, you will need several materials that you can find by killing monsters on Act7 Level Areas.

How to apply a Tattoo?

After crafting your desired pattern, you need to talk with her and select the second option Received Tattoo, you will need to place the pattern on the tattoo slot and click on Apply Tattoo.
After that, a random tattoo will be applied on you (random from the pattern you chose).
NOTE: press K to open Tattoo skill info.

How to upgrade a Tattoo?

There is 2 ways to upgrade a Tattoo, both works the same way.
The first option is the cheapest and unsafe one. You will need to talk with the NPC and select the last option Tattoo Upgrade. Then place the tattoo you want to upgrade on the slot and click on Tattoo Upgrade.
· Success probability means the % of the tattoo getting upgrade.
· Fail probability means the % of the tattoo not getting upgrade.
· Major failure means the % of the tattoo of getting downgrade.

The other option is using Tattoo Safeguard Scroll. The only difference is that using this item, if your tattoo get Major failure it will be protected and wont get any downgrade. So it's the safest way.

I don't like my Tattoo, Can I change it?

Yes, you can change between tattoos, for that you will need to talk with the NPC and select the last option Tattoo Upgrade. It works the same as tattoo upgrade but this time you will need to click Tattoo Removal button.
NOTE: You will need Tattoo Remover. This will delete your tattoo, you won't keep the upgrade.

Which are the best Tattoos for my class?

If you are Swordman, Archer or Martial Artist:
Arcane Wisdom: Overall attack power is increased by 25% of magic defence.
Piercing Gaze: Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 5%. The final damage from critical hits is increased by 25%.
If you are Mage:
Arcane Wisdom: Overall attack power is increased by 25% of magic defence.
Sharp Claws: Increases damage with a probability of 10% by 105%.

Tattoo List

Bear Loa Pattern
Spiky Leather +9
All defences are increased by 20%.
When you're defending, there is a 100% chance of 20% of the damage being reflected at the opponent.
Cower +9
All attacks are reduced by 10%.
Incoming damage is reduced by 25%.
Malleable Pelt +9
Final damage from incoming critical hits is reduced by 7% per critical hit (max. 5 hits).
Bear Stamina +9
Increases maximum HP by 25%.
Increases maximum MP by 13%.
25% HP is recovered.
13% MP is recovered.
Thick-Skinned +9
Absorb 20% of your max HP as damage.
All elemental resistance is increased by 50.
Blessed Pelt +9
Up to level 5 there is a 15% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Lightning Defence +9
All elemental resistance is increased by 40.
Never receives critical hits.
Bear Strike +9
When attacking, there is a 20% chance of 50% additional damage being added by the bear loa.

Snake Loa Pattern
Snake Venom +9
On attack, there is a 15% chance of inflicting Neurotoxin (Level 4) on your opponent.
Arcane Wisdom +9
Overall attack power is increased by 25% of magic defence.
First Strike +9
Heal 25% of inflicted damage by reducing MP.
Increases maximum MP by 13%.
13% MP is recovered.
Curse +9
On attack, there is a 15% chance of inflicting Snake Loa's Curse on your opponent.
Restores HP equal to 6% of the damage inflicted (max. 1500 per attack).
Elemental Shield +9
With a 100% probability all elemental damage is reduced by 60%.
Magic Armour +9
Magic armour prevents 40000 damage.
Curse Transformation +9
The damage from the equipped fairy is increased by 10 per debuff.
Increases the equipped fairy's element by 30.
Snakebite +9
When attacking, there is a 20% chance of 50% additional damage being added by the snake loa.

Lion Loa Pattern
Elemental Blessing +9
Increases the equipped fairy's element by 40.
Attack Stance +9
Damage taken from all attacks is increased by 20%.
All attacks are increased by 20%.
Lion Claws +9
All attacks are increased by 12%.
On attack, there is a 8% chance of inflicting Fatal Bleeding on your opponent.
Strong Attack +9
All attacks are increased by 500.
Sharp Claws +9
Increases damage with a probability of 10% by 105%.
Recuperative Healing +9
Provides a 20% chance to reset the cooldown of the attack skill used.
Accurate Strike +9
There's a 50% chance to ignore 50% of the target's defence.
Increases damage from critical hits by 25%.
Lion Strike +9
When attacking, there is a 20% chance of 50% additional damage being added by the lion loa.

Eagle Loa Pattern
Swift as the Wind +9
Movement speed is increased by 3.
Dodge is increased by 200.
Piercing Gaze +9
Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 5%.
The final damage from critical hits is increased by 25%.
Flying High +9
Probability to receive critical hits is decreased by 5%.
When you're defending, the damage from critical hits is reduced by 25%.
Eagle Eyes +9
There is a 90% chance that every attack hits.
Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 10%.
Eye for an Eye +9
When you receive a critical hit, there is a 25% chance of 100% being reflected to the opponent.
Survival Instinct +9
You have a (percent of HP missing * 80/100)% probability of dodging attacks.
Your HP increases by 10% of missing HP when you dodge attacks.
Growing Experience +9
The final critical hit damage is increased by 2% per critical hit (max. 18 hits).
Eagle Claws +9
When attacking, there is a 20% chance of 50% additional damage being added by the eagle loa.

Corrupt Shadow Tattoo Pattern
Paimon's Shadow Energy +9
Damage from critical hits is reduced by 50%.
Summons 1 x Elite Shadow Knight Commander .