First Steps: Setting up your character!
At the very end of your adventure in Nosbreak, you will become an Adventurer with level 99 (+1).
You will find free items on your inventory, but the most important ones are:
That boxes will give you some usefull begginer stuff like Ancelloan's Blessing, Fairy Booster and Elemental fairies!

Your next step on this adventure will be select your class to become stronger.
Your can choose between Archer, Mage or Swordsman. For that, you will need to talk with this NPC.
After that, you will transform to your desired class and you will get even more free items! Such as Pets, Partners and a Powerfull 96Lv +7 equipment!

Don't forget to buy your first Specialist Card and some resources to keep getting stronger!

Last but not least, for a better experience you should buy some Potions to heal yourself and Resistances to be able to encourage the enemies without any fear.

Some last important thing to know... You can activate an option to pick-up the monster's loot automatically!
Note: Click just one time, because after some second will untoggle, but its just visual, the plugin will stay active.

Congratulations! You are ready to start leveling.
Nosville (+10h)