Nosville: Prestige 0 & 1
After you have all the necesary items to start leveling, that you can find on First Steps guide, it's time to kill monsters until you reach the maximun level of the zone you are.
On Nosville there are 2 level zones HLVL C1-5 and HLVL C5-10, in which you can reach lvl +5 and +10 respectively.

You will start being Prestige 0, after you reach Hero lvl +10, you will need to write $prestige command to become Prestige 1. You will get back down to Hero lvl +1 and you need to level up to Hero lvl +10 again in order to use $prestige again and become Prestige 2.
NOTE: You need to remove all your equipment to use $prestige.
NOTE: If you have Fairy Booster effect you will need to use $removefb command.

On this zones the monsters will drop Soul Crystal materials, that will allow you to craft equipment and stuff.
As a recommendation, you should craft Dracula Costume set that will give you +30% champion experience received.

Once you get Prestige 2 you can go to next experience map!
Act 2 (+25h)