Glacernon: Prestige 6 & 7
When you reach Prestige 6 you can teleport to Prestige 6 experience zone.
How to teleport?

On Prestige 6 there are 1 level zone P6-8 Instance C1-35, in which you can reach up to +35h.
But this Instance have a different mechanic, you can choose how to level up, with your Family, Group, Solo or in a Public instance.

No matter what king of instance you chose, this will follow the same proccess as before, you will need to reach the maximun level.
When you reach Hero lvl +35, you will need to use $prestige command to become Prestige 7. You will get back down to Hero lvl +1 and you need to level up to Hero lvl +35 again in order to use $prestige again and become Prestige 8.

On this zones the monsters will drop Ice Ball materials, that will allow you to craft equipment and stuff. But you will also need another material Ice Flower, to get that you will need to travel to Glacernon (act4) and pick it up from the floor.
As a recommendation, you should craft Princess Eliza PSP that will give you +7% attack and +7% defence (on S Buff).
You can also craft Ice Witch Costume set if you wanna look cooler!

On Prestige 6 there are no Farming Zones, but there are Daily Missions where you can craft PvP stuff such as Yuna PSP, Crystal Wings and Petal Wings!
You will need to complete Act4 Kill's Daily and get Act4 Kills in order to get the required materials.
NOTE: Act4 Kill's Daily will give you x1 Neckace of the Fallen max daily.

Once you get Prestige 8 you can go to next experience map!
Mortaz (+40h)